I got over 100 views on the 30th! You guys are amazing!

  Thank you for actually leaving comments, haha. It gives me a lot of motivation to hear from you guys! All of you deserve a party hat. Yes, a party hat. Never thought it would get this popular.

  That aside, this is a moan about lunch. I forgot my lunch; tragic, I know. Just means I have more to eat tomorrow, however. I'm not even that hungry!

  Okay, okay, that's not entirely the reason for writing this, the real reason ( no resin) I am writing is because of book club. You know those people that tend to read like a snail when it's not a book they really care about? Yeah? I'm not really that interested in mine, to be honest with you ( I was, however, quite interested with Cue For Treason last year; couldn't put it down, finished it in one night.). Too much describing! Also, we got our books late, so it was impossible to read to chapter 16. Sixteen is a very unrealistic number, don't you think? I'm almost sixteen; but that's not the point. The point is is that the book is too slowly paced for me. Then again, though, I picked up a bunch of library books earlier last week and haven't picked them up since because I was too busy drawing and crying over videogame characters... my life, everyone.

  Okay, conclusion. Bye everyone! Don't forget your lunch! If you have, though, I feel for you, man. I really do.
  Frightening! Anyway, hello there! How long's it been since I last posted? A day? A week? I forget now... hah...

  That aside, I am positively elated! Why, you ask ( Or possibly don't, sorry)? It is because I just secured the chances of me getting a PS3 for graduation to eleventh! How cool is that? I love my dad. The reason why I would want a system such as that is because a year ago or so, a game came out that I had previously heard about as looking 'kinda like Mother 3/Earthbound'; except that was the ROID version of the game, and the PS3 is not whatever that is, that's for sure. I don't even remember whether or not the ROID thing came off that well because I haven't heard a word of it since then, and every time I look it up I get steroids instead. Anyway, this is a picture of it from a while back when it was still in development:
  Look vaguely familiar to some of you?
  I'm sure a bunch of you would know what game I'm talking about if I said the name, but maybe you already know, because 'PS3' definitely narrows it down, doesn't it?

  It's... (drumroll) ... (drum).... (roll)... (Okay I'll stop)...

  ---Ni No Kuni! Hooraaaay! 

  I bet a bunch of you are slapping your knees all like, 'I KNEW it!' or something. I am in love with a classic-style JRPG; don't see that every day, do ya? (laugh)

  Anyway, as you all do not know, I have looked far and wide for good RPGs to play, and NNK is the closest I'll ever get to my ideal RPG: Good storyline, fantastic battle system, great music ( done by Joe Hisaishi, might I add.) , Studio Ghibli, Level 5 ( if any of you have played Professor Layton, you know them.), 349 page grimoire full of lore, a bestiary, old language, and spells; an entire sprawling overworld, great CG backgrounds, and MONSTER CATCHING!!! It's my dream come true!! I mean, lookit this!
  That's absolutely sensational! All that detail in one shot, and in 3D! The characters are pretty cute too ( That's also part of the reason I want the game, of course; can't forget the adorable 13-year-old boys and fairies... eheh... oh lordy I sound like a creep...)! It's also got sort of a dark undertone, from what I've seen ( animals swallowing swords and armor for stat boosts, anyone? Sorry for so many bracket comments...), so it's all pretty great.

  There's also a DS version of the game, which this is actually a remake of, but there were problems translating the double-screen wonder, so it's only in Japanese so I can't really play it.... I have tried though, using a PDF of the magic book and a ROM file, but still no dice. I like the PS3 version better anyway, despite all the beautiful drawn backgrounds in the DS version... sob...

  Can't wait to catch 'em all in Ni No Kuni this summer!